Monday, August 27, 2012

My Thoughts on Homeschooling

Up until a year or two ago I admit that I had a very narrow view of homeschooling. It was reserved for those uber-conservative Christians who didn’t want their children tainted by “the world”. Homeschooled children were a little bit odd due to their limited social interaction. But in recent years my views have changed. It seems that more and more people are open to the concept. I know several moms who have decided to homeschool their children, even just for a time, for great reasons that I find admirable. I don’t think they are weird or overprotective. I actually really respect what they are doing and the wheels have started turning. 

I’m no longer against the idea of homeschooling my children. I know. Big gasp! I am a teacher in the public school system so why would I even consider such a thing? Well, there are several reasons. I think the public school system is fine. It’s not perfect but does well considering what it is. Class sizes are big and teachers are expected to cater to any number of learning styles and abilities. When I taught in a grade five classroom I had kids who were ahead of expectations and kids learning at a grade one level and I was supposed to accommodate for all of them. Easier said than done. There is only a certain level of creativity and experience you can supply in a public school classroom based on the limitations you have. You can’t just spontaneously decide you’ll spend the day at the zoo while studying animal habitats. Not that great hands-on learning experiences don’t happen but they are limited by time, money etc.

I also think that students are expected to learn WAY too much. I think the curriculum is a bit ridiculous. Teachers often have to cram in quick units to get marks for a report card and therefore, things are skimmed and not taught well. I think some things are essential, but many are not. Perhaps I just didn’t do it well but I have yet to meet a teacher that isn’t scrambling through something at some point in the year. It’s just reality.

I have nothing against public schools. My children will almost certainly go to them and they’ll get a perfectly good education. But I have a dream for something bigger. I have no desire to just teach my kids at home for years and years on end. My dream, at least for the early years of learning, is to have a little co-op style school. Several different families who want an alternative to public education, learning in someone’s home or alternate facility. Kids would learn through a ton of hands-on activities and much of the learning would be student-directed. If they are curious about dinosaurs, they can learn about dinosaurs. If they’re interested in planets, we’d create a space unit. Older kids would teach younger kids. After all, I think a great way to show you really understand something is to teach it to someone else. Parents who had interests in certain areas would focus on those subjects. Kids would spend a lot more time outside and on field trips...walks in the woods, exploring the ponds and fun things like tobogganing, picnics and swimming. And one of the biggest focuses would be on compassion. Teaching kids about things that really matter, like serving others, kindness and global education. Spend a few hours sorting food at a food bank or hanging out with seniors. Whatever. With more parents involved, I wouldn’t be teaching my kids a lot of the time, they’d have a lot of social interaction and they’d have great opportunities that just aren’t available in mainstream schools.

I know I’m dreaming a bit. There would be challenges and costs and various things that I can’t imagine right now. I don’t have the space to do it, and I don’t actually know anyone else interested in that kind of thing. And I would want my kids to experience the public school system at some point and certainly don’t feel qualified to teach much more than grade six. I kind of picture this being something they do for the first few years.

Our government is rolling out all-day kindergarten which my boys would go to in just two years. At this point my thought is to keep them home for at least the first year. That’s a lot of school for someone so young. I think I can teach them what they need to know and have a lot of fun doing it. I love creating learning activities and have found a ton of new ones thanks to Pinterest. That being said, we don’t know if our family is complete so if we end up having another young one at home when it’s time for kindergarten I may change my mind. And maybe by then I’ll think it will be a good thing for the boys. Whether or not any amount of homeschooling will be part of our family, I have no idea. But my little dream excites me and either way I know that whether informally or formally I will be a significant teacher in my childrens’ lives.

Thoughts? What are your views on homeschooling? Have they changed at all? Would you ever consider it?

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Owl Cupcakes and A Party For Two

(This post is two months overdue, but one I felt like writing anyway.)

In June my boys turned two. Two boys, entering what are affectionately know as the "terrible twos". The thought was somewhat intimidating. But regardless of what the year ahead would bring we had to celebrate this significant milestone.

I had been hearing from some people I know about toddler birthdays they had been to. One with a Cinderella princess that was a big hit. One where the mom spent upwards of seven hundred dollars when all was said and done. So not my thing. I knew I wanted mine to be simple. I don't think toddlers remember that kind of stuff. We all know they are just as happy with the wrapping paper as they are with the gift. I did know that I wanted to have our family all together. Last year we did separate parties in relatives' homes but this year I decided to take the plunge and have everyone at our house. Unfortunately that left little room for any extra friends. Having embraced where we live (you can read about that here), albeit it small, I was determined to be the host of my own kids' party this time.

We were grateful that of the boys' grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins were able to make it. It was definitely a full house, but our somewhat new playroom provided some much needed extra space for the many kids needing to burn off some energy. The weather wasn't great but the rained held off for a few minutes so some of us could eat outside. The food was simple. Make your own sandwiches...the buns and some of the meat even bought with a Wagjag coupon for a local bakery (yes, I'm frugal!)

I decided that cupcakes would be easier than cake and found a neat idea on Pinterest one night. Owl cupcakes! (The original pin and credit is found here with instructions how to make them). They were time intensive but a lot of fun. For the actual cupcake I just used a Duncan Hines Devil's Food recipe. While they were baking I started working on the eyes. I probably broke about a third of the Oreos trying to open them and downed my fair share of Junior Mints in the process.

For the frosting I used a home made chocolate butter cream recipe that I love. There was more than enough left over to lick the bowl eat spoonfuls from the bowl. I got Joel to cut the ears and once everything was ready, started the assembly process. It was so fun to see them come together. Pretty close to the original don't you think?

Unfortunately I didn't have quite enough cupcakes to feed everyone so ended up making a last minute fudge marble cake as well. In the end I didn't mind as it was nice to have the traditional birthday cake and options for people who weren't up for eating an owl.

My other idea thanks to Pinterest were these rainbow fruit skewers. It's always nice to have a healthy option and might as well make it fun.

Overall we had a great time, close quarters aside. The boys loved being surrounded by all their favourite people and we loved having them.