Thursday, March 6, 2008

Back to Life

I got home from school today before 4pm, did a quick quiz for my course and then thought to myself "What am I going to do now?" It's been weeks since I've had that thought. For the past several weeks I've been on the go, madly trying to whiz through units, mark my student's work, finish course assignments and write report cards. Today is the day I get to catch my breath as report cards have finally been handed in. I have one day to go before March Break and I can't wait.

Joel and I were talking last night about our lives have taken a complete flip from a year ago. Last year, we would wake up, go spend several hours at the AIDS office which was slow on a good day, and then come home. The evening might involve some volleyball with the Bible school students, cooking dinner, maybe a walk or playing with the kids outside and then several hours on the couch reading... or if we felt like doing something, walking over the the table and playing a game. And of course there was the continual task of boiling water. But overall life was pretty relaxed. Neither of us thrive on being busy like some people. We don't bore easily and can handle having nothing to do.... we just haven't had the option lately.

It's nice to have that option back, to have a night of no work and take it easy. There is always lots to do as a teacher, but I enjoy these little pockets of time where I can decide whether or not I want to do it. I think ultimately, being busy is a choice we make for ourselves, whether good or bad. I look forward to the next ten days of choosing time for Joel and for myself. Call me selfish, but I think we deserve it!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey - I got here via john & rochelle's blog...and i wanted to let you know how much i appreciated the words "I think ultimately, being busy is a choice we make for ourselves"

definetely fits for me this week.
