Saturday, April 19, 2008

I got a job....again!

A few months ago I was told that I was being declared excess to my school. Basically enrollment is down for next year and I'm the lowest on the totem pole so I got the boot. My job was guaranteed somewhere in the board, but I started the process of interviews to find something I wanted instead of being placed randomly. Thankfully I was successful and have a job next year I'm really looking forward to.

I've reduced my contract to 90% and will be working at a school in Mississauga teaching ESL (.7) and Phys-ed (.2). I'm really excited to be doing what I love again with the fun addition of being a gym teacher! Grade 5 has been a challenge which has been good for me, but I won't miss it. Twenty-eight 10 year-olds in one room definitely has it's moments and I'm grateful there's an end in sight!

It also be nice to have the extra time to pursue some kind of volunteer work that has been missing in my life. All I know is I want to work locally with people in need. Any ideas?


Anonymous said...

Woohoo! I am proud of you and excited for you. This ESL job (with a little phys ed thrown in) is going to be perfect for you. It's great to see you get back to what you really love...

Anonymous said...

This sounds great, Julianne!! Congratulations!! :)

Julianne said...

Thanks Arja! I think you're the only one out there who actually reads my blog! :) Hope you had a good week.

Anonymous said...

No, I just think I'm probably one of the only people that comments! :) The others are lurking...

Missed you in "widows' row" today, but please pass on to your hubby that he did a wonderful job teaching this morning!

Unknown said...

I read too! I am so excited for your new job! Gym teacher is my dream job...well it was in high school anyway...I will live vicariously through you.

Great to see you at the dinner! Happy Wii playing. :) I'm jealous. I wonder if you can apply that auction purchase to something you teach in Phys Ed next year?