Tomorrow I'm starting a 5 day sugar fast. It's no secret how bad sugar is for us, and yet it's my weakness. The first thing I do when I get home from work is find something sweet, usually a handful of chocolate chips. I like doing these little fasts, just to prove to myself that I can and I have some small ounce of self-discipline in me. A few weeks ago it was a Facebook fast and it felt good to be successful. Luckily I love fruit so I'm hoping that will satisfy my sugar cravings for the week. And somehow posting it on here will help me follow through. But for tonight, a Coke and bowl of ice cream are waiting for me...
I couldn't eat any sugar for a whole year. :) That was tough - but it's amazing what one does when one needs to! I'll think of you as I'm eating my chocolate turtle cheesecake tonight.
a year? What for?
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