Thursday, April 9, 2009

50 down, 50 to go...

At the beginning of January I committed to doing 50 workouts by July 1st. I've never been that consistent with exercise and it's something I wanted to do before I end this decade of life (just over a month away!). I'm happy to have finally reached the halfway mark in my goal. Since the beginning of February I've been playing squash after school with some friends a few days a week and that has helped. The gym can get boring so it's been a nice change. Joel and I have signed up for a local tennis club and are looking forward to improving our game. I'm also taking a phys-ed course so once a week I'm "playing" for several hours. Every little bit helps! This is definitely not my first attempt at consistently being active, but for some reason this little plan has finally worked for me and has kept me going when I normally would have quit. With just under 3 months to go and the warm weather getting closer, I'm feeling good!

1 comment:

the smiths said...

You go, girl!! :) I can't wait for spring - I'll be biking with Ro!!