Monday, November 1, 2010

Reflections of Motherhood Part 1: Breastfeeding

Now that I’m over 4 months into being a mom, I thought it was time to record some of my thoughts about the early days, mostly so that when I look back and it all seems like a blur I’ll have some record to look back on. Today’s topic: breast feeding!

I was determined to breast feed my babies from the beginning. Although I have nothing against formula and people who choose/have to use it I wanted my babies to get as much breast milk as possible. I knew it would be a challenge with twins and has definitely proved to be my biggest. Breast feeding is hard. The babies had to learn and I had to learn. It didn’t just happen magically. In the early days and weeks it didn’t always work. It was a huge production to try to get one of them latched on and feeding both would take well over an hour. In order to produce enough milk for two I also had to pump after each nursing session. I HATED pumping. There is nothing nice about it. We also struggled with weight gain in the beginning so had to supplement with formula after each feed. I was afraid of them getting too used to a bottle so we used a lactation tube, where basically they get the formula at the breast. No easy feat and I was happy when we didn’t need to do that anymore.

The best thing I did was go see a lactation consultant. We had one visit us every day in the hospital and we were able to continue seeing her at the free Peel Breast feeding clinic (so thankful for such a great resource in our community!!). An LC is such an important job. My good friend Kristen just passed her exam to become one and I’m so excited for her. She’s also been a huge encouragement in this process.

One of the biggest parts to my success was setting a goal for myself before the babies were born. My first goal was to make it 6 weeks as that’s the post-partum stage. Without that goal I’m pretty sure my babies would be on formula by now. SO many times I wanted to give up but I stuck it out and it got easier just like they said it would. We continue to have our challenges (Micah now gets very distracted and we’re having some weight issues again) but lots of successes too. For a few months I’ve been tandem feeding them and am proud that I can do it on my own. My next goal is 6 months and after that possibly a year if they’ll go that long. I love that it’s free and portable but thing I’ll be ready to wean them once they can have whole milk at a year.

The best part of breastfeeding is the bonding and knowing my babies are getting the best nutrition they can. I also love feeding them together and love when they hold hands or look up at me and smile. The hardest part is that they need me all the time and life is planned around feeding. Tandem feeding twins isn’t very public friendly either so I don’t get out as much as a mom of one baby can, but I know it’s a short phase of life that I’m committed to.


Kristen Bell said...

Awesome post! I loved how you talked about setting your goals and meeting them. That is so key. WHatever your goal is...shoot for it. Think of the amazing boost of health your boys are getting from simply drinking your milk... immune factors, increased IQ, less chance of childhood illnesses...the list goes on...You ROck !!!

the smiths said...

Well done, Julianne! I am a big breast feeding advocate, and never realized how hard it was going to be for both Ro and I. I pumped and froze some milk, but it turns out I have an enzyme that spoils in the freezing process so my milk tastes awful, so bottle feeding was pretty tricky. I was with Ro every feed for 13 months. At times it felt like a huge sacrifice, but I am so glad we stuck with it! Now I get to do it again with Looloo (in 7 weeks - crazy!!!!!). Keep going friend! :)

Unknown said...

Good for you Julianne! You are giving them an amazing start! You are wonder woman!

Unknown said...

Congratulations! Breastfeeding is hard for the start but gets so much easier as life goes on (and less stressful about weight issues as the little ones eat solids). I had the same issue as Tammy so both of mine never had a bottle. My youngest just turned one and knows the baby signs to request milk which makes it so much easier to know when he's hungry/thirsty. I find it so easy, I'll let him wean himself, probably after 2 years. Good for you and your boys for sticking it out!

Angela said...

I can relate to so much of what you said Julianne. Breastfeeding one baby is challenge at inspire me to keep going!! I too set goals and just keep taking it one step at a time. Thanks for sharing!

muddleglum said...

Just nextblogging through.

I ought to find and scan some old pictures of my wife breastfeeding our twins. At home she did both at the same time and experimented around to figure out the best positions. If you find a relaxing position that will help a lot.

Breastfeeding was not as easy away from home, though. That was 27 years ago, so I cannot remember exactly how she dealt with it, but she knew her own breast capabilities and the children's needs.

Hope the best for y'all.