I didn't know which one of the many topics swirling in my head to blog about next. Then found out I was tagged by
Ali (whose
blog I love reading...check her out!) in a fun little blog game, so thought I'd avoid a few chores and respond. Here's what she asked...
1. What is your middle name?
- Julianne. My parents called all their kids by their middle name and they are both the same. I'm not a fan and at places like the doctor they often call me by my first name so it's like I'm another person in the medical world. Needless to say I didn't do that to my boys. I like my middle name better than my first so I guess that's the upside.
2. What is the best movie you've ever seen?
- Hmmm. Probably The Shawshank Redemption, but also a huge fan of Man in the Moon (ultimate sad/cheese story) and Dead Man Walking
3. If you could see any band/artist in concert, who would you choose?
- I'm not a big concert goer and while I enjoy them I don't pursue them (rather spend money on other things). But if I had to pick one I'd say U2... partly to be cool. I mean who hasn't been to U2 right? And partly because I do like them, totally respect Bono and hear it's a great show.
4. Dog or cat?
- Dog but only really Golden Retrievers. I'm married to a pet hater so not holding my breath on that one.
5. If you could change one thing about the world, what would it be?
- Western consumerism and entitlement and how blind we are to those suffering in a large percent of the world...which would result in radical generosity, everyone being fed and having their basic needs taken care of. It's unacceptable that 16,000 children still die a A DAY from hunger. It requires action, a change of lifestyle and giving a damn, to start.
6. What do you do to recharge?
- have a good conversation with my husband on the couch or a dinner date. Watch a good show or movie and eat air-popped popcorn with melted butter and salt. Oh and my Saturday sleep-ins. LOVE them!
7. What would an ideal weekend look like for you?
- Probably getting away to my parent's apple farm.
8. What is one thing you wish you could blog about but you feel like you can't/shouldn't?
- Hmmm... lack of time parents spend with their kids (too afraid of offending someone but there you go)
9. How many hours a week do you spend watching tv?
- A lot less than I used to but still too much. 5 or 6? (love having PVR and fast-forwarding through commercials...saves time and brain cells)
10. If you could do anything with your life to make money, what would you choose?
- Be a mom to my own kids as well as many orphans in Africa that I could...starting in Zimbabwe and Zambia.
11. What is your favourite smell?
- Freshly baked bread
There you go. Some valuable, deep, information about me for you to chew on. Happy weekend! (I think I'm supposed to tag people but from the sounds of it, nap time is over around here.)