Yesterday I went for my first walk in awhile. Joel had my car and his was being serviced at Midas. When it was ready I went to pick it up. Midas is less than a kilometre from our house but I enjoyed the short journey through the crisp air. It made me think that I want to walk more. We just moved to an area where pretty much anything you need is a 5 minute walk away... Loblaws, the gym, a pool, the library, a big mall, Swiss Chalet, Wendy's, Home Sense, Dollarama... the list goes on. I don't really ever need my car again, although I'm not quite willing to give it up yet.
One of my goals for 2008 is to walk to church one Sunday... 7.3 km according to google maps. It doesn't sound far, but since I usually just walk from my car to the house and back, it'll be a start. In Zimbabwe Joel and I used to walk in the evening around Mtshabezi. No one else walked for the fun of it. People walked when they had a place to go, and they often walked a long way, with no water in the hot sun. The least I can do is walk a few blocks for some groceries. Walking... you should try it!
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