Tomorrow our friends Jamie and Arja and their girls Kanah and Talya will be moving to Zambia to start a new adventure. They are going with MCC to keep our church, The Meeting House, connected with what is happening on that side of the world as we partner together. I have to admit I'm a little jealous. Zambia was my first exposure to Africa as I worked at Sakeji School for 3 months. Joel and I also really enjoyed the few days we spent at Macha, where they will be living. Although I'm happy where I am now, I hope to someday have the opportunity for my family to live in Africa again for an extended period of time. I would love for my kids to be able to explore barefoot, learn a new language and understand that most of the world doesn't live like we do. Perhaps someday! But mostly, I just really excited for them as they begin their new life in Africa. We had the opportunity to travel with them to Zimbabwe in November of 2007 and it was amazing to see how easily they adapted and how much people loved them. Add two cute girls in the mix and they'll do just fine! :)
Sanfilippo family, I'm excited to follow your journey and learn from you. Thanks for being willing to uproot your lives to represent us on that side of the world. It will quickly become your home and we hope to connect on that side of the world!
(If you want to follow their journey in Africa, you can check in at their blog once they're there)
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