Photography is the hobby du jour. Everyone and their mother seems to do it now, whether it's just a hobby or a business on the side. My husband Joel, decided to get into it last year a few months before our boys were born. I may be biased, but I think in the short time he's been into it, he's gotten quite amazing. If you're a Facebook friend you'll see how his pictures have evolved, chronicling the early lives of of Micah and Caleb. But my favourite set are the ones he took this past Easter weekend of my nephews (the one above included). To me they look like they are done by a professional.
He works hard at it. Every night before bed he has his nose in a photography book learning something new and he's taken thousands and thousands of shots to practice. I'm so thrilled to have his talent in our family and if he's this good at a year, I can't wait to see what he'll come up with in the future. Although it's a popular thing to do, some of the best photos I've seen lately have been from my own husband and I feel pretty lucky. Thanks for allowing me a minute to brag about him!
Joel Rocks.
That's all.
good on you for bragging! i think joel's work is fantastic as well. i'm always amazed!
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