Thursday, December 13, 2007

Happy Birthday to Joel!!

Joel's 30th in Zimbabwe last year

Today is Joel's birthday! Last night as we were driving home from IKEA, completely exhausted, and car full of stuff for our new house, we decided to celebrate it next week when we've settled a bit more in our place and feel more relaxed. It's Miller tradition anyway... we hardly ever celebrate birthdays on the actual day. Joel doesn't like surprises and likes to plan what we do to celebrate.... no pressure for me and apparently more fun for him! Last year for his big 30th, we watched a movie at the theatre in Bulawayo, spent a night away and ate dinner at our favourite restaurant in Zimbabwe, New Orleans. I believe the birthday cake followed sometime in January due to severals delays, including a power outage about 10 minutes into trying to bake it the first time. Hopefully he'll get this year's cake before 2008!

Happy birthday to my amazing husband! I celebrate you and your life and am thankful I get to share it with you!


Anonymous said...

Thanks, baby! It's great to be honoured as the subject of your second blog post. Looking forward to celebrating's nice to be in Canada for the big day this year :) Love you!

Anonymous said...

happy birthday to joel!

wup wup,

Ryan - said...

happy birthday joel!

Anonymous said...

happy day to Joel, hope you guys have fun! party, party, party (as i used to say back i the day!)

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, Joel!!

Ah, New Orleans...good times...especially the chocolate mint ice cream dessert, right Julianne?!?! :)


Anonymous said...

Hey Jo Hey Juels!

Miss you guy's. There's a place on Thetis with your name on it so ya'll drop in anytime.

Of to NZ's this week, then OZ, Switz, Germ, England and Edmonton for a conference. Hey, what's a world tour without the west Ed mall baby. Dec. 17-Feb 1st. Thanks for your prayers.

Life has been disney like.... adventures, heros, villains, excitement, damsels and happily ever after so must come over and join the story, we need a prince and a princess at some point!

Love you guys.

Anonymous said...


Your the only 30 year old I know who looks like 20 and can go toe to toe with 60 year old theologs!

Love it!