Sunday, December 9, 2007

I'm officially a blogger!

I've wanted to start a blog for awhile. I love reading other people's blogs to find out what they're up to and what they're thinking about. Through different stages in life I've been into journaling and have always loved going back to read my thoughts. Our blog from our year in Zimbabwe ( has been a great record for me of our experiences there. The pen and paper journal hasn't worked for me over the past few years, so I thought I'd try the online version.... and why not share it with the world?! I don't claim to be an eloquent writer, but if you're interested, this will be a place to see what's going on in my head and in my life. Enjoy!


Ryan - said...

welcome :)

Jamie Sanfilippo said...

Welcome to blogging, Julianne. I hope you are able to be more committed to it than I've been as of late!


Anonymous said...

Maybe I should try blogging!! I haven't been as good at journaling with a pen and paper myself :)

Nick said...

Looking forward to reading it (I have a blog too). Also, we need to connect again. We would love to have you folks over. Your friend,


Anonymous said...

very cool! thanks for passing on the link.


Anonymous said...

nice work huli - looking forward to more. let's hang out!