Saturday, July 18, 2009
Better late than never...
I finally finished my 100 workouts. I'm not exactly sure when I did, but I'm definitely over 100 now. I was doing great until the last few weeks of June when I got sick and fell behind. So I missed my deadline but I'm still proud of myself and no matter what, I'm still way more active now than I was before I started this. It seemed to work. I'll probably do another one in the fall from September to December. Anyone in?
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
God bless the introvert
My sister-in-law Rachel posted this funny article yesterday about introverts. If you are an introvert or have one in your life you should check it out. I am married to the biggest introvert of all! The last part made me laugh..
How can I let the introvert in my life know that I support him and respect his choice? First, recognize that it's not a choice. It's not a lifestyle. It's an orientation.
Second, when you see an introvert lost in thought, don't say "What's the matter?" or "Are you all right?"
Third, don't say anything else, either.
So true!
How can I let the introvert in my life know that I support him and respect his choice? First, recognize that it's not a choice. It's not a lifestyle. It's an orientation.
Second, when you see an introvert lost in thought, don't say "What's the matter?" or "Are you all right?"
Third, don't say anything else, either.
So true!
75 down
I'm proud to say I've actually done 75 workouts since the start of the year. That means I need to do 25 more before July 1st. I'm hoping to start June with 22 to go, so if I'm consistent I should be able to make it. A had a bad week or two and thought it was over but I'm glad I've pulled it together and stuck with it. It's all downhill from here!
Thursday, May 14, 2009
The Things We Remember

Today at the gym I went back to my locker between cardio and weights to put away my headphones. For the life of me, I couldn't remember my lock combination. I could, however, remember my lock combination from the first lock I had all the way back in grade seven...27-8-50. I tried it over and over, but not a big shock that it didn't work. So I went out to do my weights preparing myself for a trip to the front desk to ask if they could cut my lock. But somewhere around the leg press, I visualized myself doing the combination, and the real one came back to me. Thankfully a few minutes later it worked. Why, of all the things stored in my memory, is my grade seven lock combination still there? It fascinates me!
Monday, May 4, 2009
The Purple Bicycle
Joel's sister Rachel, just moved to Paris for a year. She is writing about her experiences here. She's definitely one of the best writers I know. Check it out!
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Swine Flu
So by now we've all heard about the swine flu and how numbers are growing rapidly each day. It's a big topic of conversation around our staff room table and some people are quite scared. I understand... it is hitting close to home and can be deadly. I feel for those who are infected and for the families of those who have lost their lives.
But I couldn't help feel frustrated that we care so much about this but not about other "pandemics" in the world. Who cares that in 2007 33.2 million people were living with AIDS and that 2.1 million people died? Who cares that 25,000 people die a DAY from hunger or hunger-related causes? Every loss of life is tragic, I just wish we'd pay more attention to the issues that are killing the most people in the world. I know it's hard to care when it isn't hitting close to home. I guarantee that if AIDS and hunger were killing as many people on this side of the world a heck of a lot more would be done about it. I have many friends affected by these things, and I still don't care enough. I want to care more, and I think my level of caring should be measured by what I DO about it.
But I couldn't help feel frustrated that we care so much about this but not about other "pandemics" in the world. Who cares that in 2007 33.2 million people were living with AIDS and that 2.1 million people died? Who cares that 25,000 people die a DAY from hunger or hunger-related causes? Every loss of life is tragic, I just wish we'd pay more attention to the issues that are killing the most people in the world. I know it's hard to care when it isn't hitting close to home. I guarantee that if AIDS and hunger were killing as many people on this side of the world a heck of a lot more would be done about it. I have many friends affected by these things, and I still don't care enough. I want to care more, and I think my level of caring should be measured by what I DO about it.
Thursday, April 9, 2009
50 down, 50 to go...
At the beginning of January I committed to doing 50 workouts by July 1st. I've never been that consistent with exercise and it's something I wanted to do before I end this decade of life (just over a month away!). I'm happy to have finally reached the halfway mark in my goal. Since the beginning of February I've been playing squash after school with some friends a few days a week and that has helped. The gym can get boring so it's been a nice change. Joel and I have signed up for a local tennis club and are looking forward to improving our game. I'm also taking a phys-ed course so once a week I'm "playing" for several hours. Every little bit helps! This is definitely not my first attempt at consistently being active, but for some reason this little plan has finally worked for me and has kept me going when I normally would have quit. With just under 3 months to go and the warm weather getting closer, I'm feeling good!
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Memories of Guavas

Last week Joel and I enjoyed a wonderful week of relaxation in Cuba. One thing I love about Cuba is that they have guavas. Guavas were a bit part of my life in Zimbabwe. We ate them for many months and would often buy them at the side of the road. But my favourite guava memories involved the kids that lived nearby. I particularly remember one evening when I went with them to the neighbour's tree and watched the littlest ones climb quickly up and drop them down to the others below. That's one of the reasons I want to go back and live in Africa for a few years once we have kids. How often does a kid here get to climb a tree, barefoot and eat amazingly fresh fruit?
Anyways, eating guavas from the otherwise not-so-exciting buffet in Cuba was a highlight for me. They would instantly transport me back to our front porch at Mtshabezi where I'd love to watch the kids play. I miss them. I miss them coming to the door for duck tape repairs on the beach ball we gave them. I miss Posa coming and saying "This is your balloon", his way of asking for a balloon. I miss the songs Silethemba would sing for me. They are beautiful children!

Monday, March 23, 2009
AIDS and the Pope
Something to read if AIDS is something you care about...
Did you see the Pope's anti-condom speech in Africa? He said condoms could risk increasing the spread of AIDS! This goes against all the research and is a massive set back to years of prevention and education projects on a continent with 22 million men, women and children living with HIV/AIDS. I have just signed this petition which will be delivered to the Vatican asking the Pope to stop making speaking out against condoms. A massive global outcry could influence any further statements he makes. Read the full alert below or just click on the link to add your name to this urgent petition - together, our voices could save lives:
Thank you!
Dear friends,
Last week, on his first visit to Africa, Pope Benedict said that "[AIDS] cannot be overcome through the distribution of condoms, which even aggravates the problems".
The Pope's statement is at odds with the research on AIDS prevention, and a setback to decades of hard work on AIDS education and awareness. With powerful moral influence over more than 1.1 billion Catholics in the world, and 22 million HIV positive Africans, these words could dramatically affect the AIDS pandemic and put millions of lives at risk. Worldwide concern is starting to show results and a willingness by the Vatican to revise the statement - sign our urgent petition asking the Pope to take care not to undermine proven AIDS prevention strategies:
This is not a religious dispute, but a grave public health concern. Personal beliefs of Catholics and all people should be respected, and the Pope's advocacy for a culture of fidelity and respect could be helpful in prevention if condoms were not discouraged. The Catholic Church engages in a vast amount of social service work, including the care of those living with AIDS. But the Pope's claim that condom distribution is not an effective AIDS prevention mechanism is not supported by research. It's untrue, and if it diminishes condom use, it will be deadly.
The fact is, HIV and AIDS are prevented by condom use. There is no easy solution to the spread of this tragic disease, but condoms and education are the best known prevention combination and have not been found to increase risky sexual behaviour. That is why even priests and nuns working in Africa have questioned the Pope's statements.
We may not be able to ask the Catholic Church to change its broader position, but we are asking the Pope to stop actively speaking out against prevention strategies that work. It's important that people of all beliefs, especially Catholics, call on the Pope to exercise care in his leadership on this issue. Sign below then spread the word to your friends and family - this petition could actually save lives:
25 million people worldwide have already died of AIDS, and 12 million children have been left without parents. If enough of us join this outcry, we will win an important battle in the struggle for a world without AIDS.
With hope,
Ricken, Alice, Ben, Graziela, Iain, Brett, Paula, Pascal, Luis, Paul, Veronique, Milena and the whole Avaaz team
PS - this campaign was polled among a randomized sample of 20,000 Avaaz members. Over 90% supported running the campaign, and over 75% of Catholic Avaaz members supported it.
The official position of the UN and the World Health Organization on condoms and AIDS prevention
The Pope's statement opposing condoms (BBC)
Did you see the Pope's anti-condom speech in Africa? He said condoms could risk increasing the spread of AIDS! This goes against all the research and is a massive set back to years of prevention and education projects on a continent with 22 million men, women and children living with HIV/AIDS. I have just signed this petition which will be delivered to the Vatican asking the Pope to stop making speaking out against condoms. A massive global outcry could influence any further statements he makes. Read the full alert below or just click on the link to add your name to this urgent petition - together, our voices could save lives:
Thank you!
Dear friends,
Last week, on his first visit to Africa, Pope Benedict said that "[AIDS] cannot be overcome through the distribution of condoms, which even aggravates the problems".
The Pope's statement is at odds with the research on AIDS prevention, and a setback to decades of hard work on AIDS education and awareness. With powerful moral influence over more than 1.1 billion Catholics in the world, and 22 million HIV positive Africans, these words could dramatically affect the AIDS pandemic and put millions of lives at risk. Worldwide concern is starting to show results and a willingness by the Vatican to revise the statement - sign our urgent petition asking the Pope to take care not to undermine proven AIDS prevention strategies:
This is not a religious dispute, but a grave public health concern. Personal beliefs of Catholics and all people should be respected, and the Pope's advocacy for a culture of fidelity and respect could be helpful in prevention if condoms were not discouraged. The Catholic Church engages in a vast amount of social service work, including the care of those living with AIDS. But the Pope's claim that condom distribution is not an effective AIDS prevention mechanism is not supported by research. It's untrue, and if it diminishes condom use, it will be deadly.
The fact is, HIV and AIDS are prevented by condom use. There is no easy solution to the spread of this tragic disease, but condoms and education are the best known prevention combination and have not been found to increase risky sexual behaviour. That is why even priests and nuns working in Africa have questioned the Pope's statements.
We may not be able to ask the Catholic Church to change its broader position, but we are asking the Pope to stop actively speaking out against prevention strategies that work. It's important that people of all beliefs, especially Catholics, call on the Pope to exercise care in his leadership on this issue. Sign below then spread the word to your friends and family - this petition could actually save lives:
25 million people worldwide have already died of AIDS, and 12 million children have been left without parents. If enough of us join this outcry, we will win an important battle in the struggle for a world without AIDS.
With hope,
Ricken, Alice, Ben, Graziela, Iain, Brett, Paula, Pascal, Luis, Paul, Veronique, Milena and the whole Avaaz team
PS - this campaign was polled among a randomized sample of 20,000 Avaaz members. Over 90% supported running the campaign, and over 75% of Catholic Avaaz members supported it.
The official position of the UN and the World Health Organization on condoms and AIDS prevention
The Pope's statement opposing condoms (BBC)
I signed up for Twitter and did it for about a day, but I never caught on. As someone who udpates their Facebook status I certainly can't make fun of it but I did find this funny...
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Everything's amazing, nobody's happy...
A friend posted this on Facebook the other day... a comedian who makes you think! For some reason I can't embed it but check out this great video here.
Monday, February 9, 2009
The Easiest Mac N' Cheese Recipe
This recipe is currently in my oven. It's one of our favourites. The best part is that you don't have to pre-cook the macaroni so it's really easy to make, but tastes delicious. I'm all about fast and simple so thought I'd share it.
My variations:
- I don't add salt because I use salted butter instead of maragine
- I use cheddar and mozzarella
- I mix lots of cheese in with the macaroni, not just on top (I don't think it would be cheesy enough just on top....I just eyeball it)
- at about the 40 minute mark I take it out quickly and add breadcrumbs to the top
My variations:
- I don't add salt because I use salted butter instead of maragine
- I use cheddar and mozzarella
- I mix lots of cheese in with the macaroni, not just on top (I don't think it would be cheesy enough just on top....I just eyeball it)
- at about the 40 minute mark I take it out quickly and add breadcrumbs to the top
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Winter Song
I love discovering new talented people. I heard this for the first time yesterday... a sweet song for a cold winter's day!
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Zambia Bound
Tomorrow our friends Jamie and Arja and their girls Kanah and Talya will be moving to Zambia to start a new adventure. They are going with MCC to keep our church, The Meeting House, connected with what is happening on that side of the world as we partner together. I have to admit I'm a little jealous. Zambia was my first exposure to Africa as I worked at Sakeji School for 3 months. Joel and I also really enjoyed the few days we spent at Macha, where they will be living. Although I'm happy where I am now, I hope to someday have the opportunity for my family to live in Africa again for an extended period of time. I would love for my kids to be able to explore barefoot, learn a new language and understand that most of the world doesn't live like we do. Perhaps someday! But mostly, I just really excited for them as they begin their new life in Africa. We had the opportunity to travel with them to Zimbabwe in November of 2007 and it was amazing to see how easily they adapted and how much people loved them. Add two cute girls in the mix and they'll do just fine! :)
Sanfilippo family, I'm excited to follow your journey and learn from you. Thanks for being willing to uproot your lives to represent us on that side of the world. It will quickly become your home and we hope to connect on that side of the world!
(If you want to follow their journey in Africa, you can check in at their blog once they're there)
Friday, January 16, 2009
Thursday, January 15, 2009
100 Workouts in 6 months!
I started a new program on January 1st. I've committed to doing 100 workouts in 6 months. I saw the idea on a website, but am making up my own criteria. For me a workout consists of 20 minutes or more of heart rate raising activity. So if you walk for 20 minutes, it has to be brisk! Also, you can't count more than one workout for each day. So if I do cardio and weights at the gym on one day I only count that as one.
I'm hoping this works for me. I've been keep track of my workouts since September and have definitely had times of doing well, and times of no activity. I'm hoping this longer-term goal will help keep me motivated to stay more consistent. I like visuals and little rewards for myself so I created a ticker (see above) of my progress. If you want to join me, let me know! You can make up your own rules of what works for you, and just pick a date 6 months from today. So far I have 2 other people on board with me. Want to make it 3?
I'm hoping this works for me. I've been keep track of my workouts since September and have definitely had times of doing well, and times of no activity. I'm hoping this longer-term goal will help keep me motivated to stay more consistent. I like visuals and little rewards for myself so I created a ticker (see above) of my progress. If you want to join me, let me know! You can make up your own rules of what works for you, and just pick a date 6 months from today. So far I have 2 other people on board with me. Want to make it 3?
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