Life with twins has its challenging moments, but this is the first week where it's really hit me that it's probably going to get more and more that way. The first three months were about survival, figuring out breast feeding, teaching them to be good sleepers and lots of extra helping hands. There have been a few stages and lots of new developments, but the last few months we've been in the sweet spot. The boys have slept well (they always do!), eaten well, crawled around happily together, and been, dare I say, pretty easy. But now they are getting more active, independent and starting to know what they want.
I can't really complain but this week has just felt hard. They've both had colds which makes for boys who are a little more sensitive and whiny. Micah learned how to climb stairs and I spent most of yesterday trying to keep track of him until my brilliant husband figured out to put the playpen in front of them (our stairway is tricky so still trying to figure out a gate). My squirmy boys have made diaper changes a challenge, always flipping over and trying to crawl away midway through the process. And meals have had their moments. Micah has started hitting the spoon away, and they've generally been fussy. I think they're ready to feed themselves more although I'd like to keep pumping the cereal and purees to stay on top of their weight... one of our continual challenges
The weather hasn't helped either. It's been a dreary, rainy week and my energy has been low. I've just felt blah. During naps I usually have a bit of time to myself but devote a good chunk of it to clean-up, chores etc. This week it was all I could do to get the basics done and the rest was spent on the couch in front of the TV. I just didn't have it in me. Colds get passed around here and I was definitely next on the hit list.
I know it's all relative. I still get a full night of sleep and overall there haven't been too many meltdowns. I'm sure for some moms this would be a good week, but I'm ready to put it behind me. I'm ready to feel better, put more energy into some spring cleaning and being a better mom, and definitely ready for the sun to shine. Here's to the weekend and an awesome husband who always give me a break. Have a good one!
Not a banner week here either. Here's to the weekend! Enjoy!
It's the weather change. We had very similar weeks Julianne. I got all caught up on Ellen, The View, and Regis and Kelly. That pretty much sums up my wasted time. This week will be better for all. As an aside: We found the time from 8 months to 17 months the most challenging so far with our eldest. Now I was also pregnant during that time so maybe that had something to do with it. We'll see with number two if it plays out the same.
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