Recently, after over a year and a half, I've been able to put my teacher hat back on. While I've primarily decided to stay home with my boys, I've decided that supply teaching once or twice a week is good for all of us. The boys go to a wonderful babysitter from our church who watches children in her home, where they are interacting with other kids and learning a lot. Getting out with twin toddlers is tough so aside from a few playdates, social events and church on Sunday they usually just have each other. It's also been good for me to do something else I love outside of the home. I've really been enjoying it. I am pretty much just working at my school so most of the kids know me, the routines are familiar and the staff are friends. Sitting the staff room, socializing for an hour at lunch is glorious and a real treat. While supply teaching is a little different than the usual teaching gig, it reminds me that I really do love my job. It's funny to me that teaching 25 kids can feel like a break from 2 toddlers, but it is.
But even after working only 6 days so far in this school year, it is crystal clear to me that I am not cut out to work full time outside the home. As a twin mom, a common thing I hear is "I have no idea how you do it" and that's my thoughts towards moms who work outside the home everyday. Because Joel generally does drop off and pick up I see my boys for less than 2 hours a day when I work. I don't like that. It doesn't feel right. We've since bought a second set of car seats so I can pick them up earlier on some days which will add a few hours to our day together. While every family has to make the decision that works best for them, I know that my heart is at home with my boys. To keep my job I'm required to go back to some degree next September so we will have some decisions to make. I love the flexibility I currently having by picking and choosing when and if I work and someone who will watch the boys when needed. I know it's a very unique situation. As the school year continues I'll figure out if I want to cut back and won't go over my self-proclaimed maximum of twice a week. I'm thankful to be part of such a wonderful profession but ultimately that I get to do the best job in the world as a mom.
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