While I don't mind being a deal-hunter and respect this trait passed onto me, I realize I have a problem. I buy TOO much food. Flyers are different these days now that my husband works for the biggest (and in my opinion, the best!) grocery chain around. I am pretty faithful to their stores and luckily love their products. But that hasn't seemed to curb my consumption. I have a large kitchen cupboard, basement pantry and deep freezer full of food. Besides the basics I can't avoid, I rarely buy things that aren't on sale. But do I really need 5 cake mixes even if they are only 99 cents? No. I'm all for saving money, but when saving money turns into things I never get to and items expired I can't even donate to a food bank, it's not good. I think it's okay to have a supply of food, especially of things we go through on a regular basis. We all love Triscuits so when they're less than $2, I stock up. The cereal Joel eats everyday is expensive so you can bet when it went on sale for half price, I bought a bunch. I know we'll go through them. But I need to cut down. I've had a dream for well over a year, of eating through our freezer. We're going to do it. The new PC Insider's report has come out with some great new products and I've decided I won't buy any of them until we've cleared out at least half of our food.
I don't think it's wrong to have a cupboard full of food, meals ready to go in the freezer and regular items on hand but I do want to simplify. Why? a) I don't want to buy things just because they are on sale...a clear weakness of mine. b) I want to look at the flyers and plan actual meals, hopefully a week in advance. c) I want to have less stuff in my house. d) I don't want to become a hoarder (perhaps I am close, judging by the pictures below). e) I want to cook more from scratch and use simple ingredients... in a realistic, "I have twin toddlers" kind of way. Let's be honest, the occasional frozen lasagna helps keep me sane. f) I want to spend less money on groceries and more on other people. And finally, g)It's just a good discipline for me in my quest to live a simpler life. I look forward to having a little more wiggle room in my cupboards and freezer and working on being a little more disciplined when I see a great deal. We'll see how it goes! Now with the slight fear of being judged and a bit of embarrassment, take a look at what I'm working with....
My kitchen cupboard, with no room for more
I have a cous who does the same stocking up on sale items. I didn't grow up that up that way - interesting how we are shaped, n'est-ce pas? This is the part of our household budget I have always been careful about. It is the one monthly budget item I can (somewhat) control. I don't have a chest freezer, so I have to be on top of "baking ahead" and Ro and I continually eat what is in our freezer. I make a lot of what we eat which helps manage our pantry space. We try to keep things simple but we buy a lot of organic items so our bill stays high. J, I love how you are sharing your heart and going for it. Keep going!
Love this post! Thanks for your honest reflection. So great. And on a side note, have you ever thought of applying to be on the show "Extreme Couponers" or whatever it's called on TLC? I've seen it a couple of times and always felt so sad at the end that there are so many people literally stocking rooms full of stuff that will take them years and years to go through, just for the sake of getting it all for free. I think it would be so cool for a christian to go on that show or do that as a lifestyle in order to give all of it away. What an amazing opportunity that could be! Anyways...that was a side note :) haha....good for you for setting some goals and doing a healthy reflection on things you can tackle in your own life. Definitely doesn't sound like it's too crazy, but good a good opportunity to grow and challenge :)
Great blog; I liked how you ended it too. I'm not judging. Just make sure you have 'salt' whenever I come over!
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