Friday, November 25, 2011


The last few weeks my boys have been going through the transition I've been longing for and yet dreading at the same time... going to one nap! If you're a FB friend you might have noticed my questions and thoughts on the subject. As mentioned many times before, it's been hard to get out with twins, especially twins who love/need their sleep. I've been looking forward to getting out in the mornings and joining the outside world again. But like all transitions, it's been tough and I'm tired. I've muddled my way through trying to figure out how best to approach it. The were both sleeping beautifully in the morning but Micah especially wasn't in the afternoon. It was almost as if 2 naps was too much but 1 nap not enough. Something needed to change so we started the process. I'm pretty sure Caleb could still do 2 naps consistently but let's be honest, I like my boys on the same schedule. I need my breaks!

Finally in the past week or so we've had some success. I've managed to keep them up until around noon and have gotten a few days of 3 hour naps. We've also had several dinner time meltdowns and early bedtimes as their bodies are adjusting. They are difficult in the moment but having them in bed at 6:30pm isn't the worst thing in the world! In some ways I'm not sure why I wanted this so much. Keeping twin toddlers (or any child!) busy from 7am until noon is a LONG time. The key is getting out of the house. I will confess I've never been very brave when it comes to that. The other day we were at a play program the community centre. The play area was very large. With Micah walking he could go anywhere quickly, so I try to plant myself somewhere in the middle and keep an eye on them. I felt like a lifeguard again. At one point I could hear Micah crying but couldn't see him anywhere. Eventually I found him in a tunnel, not too happy.

I'm realizing that I need to take more risks, in parenthood and life in general, so have been forcing myself to get out with them. What's the worst that could happen? Two boys completely melting down in public? Not the end of the world. I've gone to the community centre, a playgroup the senior's home and an Early Year's centre. I'm proud of myself. Two of the three I can walk to and I find that less stressful. One of my fears came true at the Early Year's Centre when I had no idea how to get them both in the door. There were no strollers allowed inside and it's pretty hard to carry both of them. I was holding my crawler while my walker, not quite getting the concept of staying with me or holding my hand, ran down the side walk. I don't even remember how we got in, but we did and with the help of a volunteer, managed to get them back out.

Today we had no plans and my boys seem tired. They were both lying on the floor asking to go "night night" so I've declared it as a 2 nap day. They've been down for almost an hour and I'm pretty sure Caleb is fast asleep while Micah is babbling away. Was it the right call? I have no idea and I might pay for it later but I'm doing my best. Soon this will all be a distant memory and I'll long for the days that they napped at all. Being a parent I've learned there are a million phases and I don't want to wish them away. It goes too fast. How do you deal with transitions? Do you like change? And if you're a mom to young kids, want to come over for a play date? ;)

1 comment:

the smiths said...

Oh, transitions. I would read and ask my cousin who I respected. They are always difficult but seem less so as the kids get older. Maybe that is because you know your child so well at this point, maybe it's because you know they won't break. ;)

After working at The Meeting House, I am much better with change. I wonder why? ;)

Good for you for getting out so much.