When you have no fireplace the stockings have to go somewhere!
But as we've been getting closer to Christmas I've started to question why we even buy gifts at all. Then last night I read this post and the wheels started turning even more. For those of us who follow Jesus (I know not everyone reading this does) isn't it really him we are celebrating? Shouldn't we be giving gifts to him and isn't what he really wants is for us to give to those in need? Why do we give gifts to each other? Because it makes us feel good? Then it's still about us. Because we want to show people we love them? Why does it have to be with stuff? I know many people are changing the way they do Christmas, making handmade gifts, giving time instead of things or honouring people buy giving gifts that matter. So many great organizations have gift catalogues now, it's not hard to find one you align with.
I think over the next few years, while our kids are still young, will be the time to figure out our traditions and how we'll do Christmas. Will we give any gifts to each other? I don't know. I'm certainly not claiming that gift giving is evil. But I've just been challenged to think more about the "why" and how I can make Christmas more about what really matters. I want it to be less about us and more about others and while doing that, not unnecessarily contributing to the accumulation of stuff. What are your traditions at Christmas? Have you changed how your family does it over the years?
I love this post Julianne :) I just read it now. I finally added your blog to my reader last night and for some reason it only popped up this afternoon.
Isn't Ann Voskamp's blog inspiring?
Hopefully see you over the holidays.
Too funny! My sis-in-law forwarded me Ann's post this morning. Pretty cool -she did hit the nail on the head. :) or should I say her four year old son...
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