Tuesday, September 4, 2012


I started this blog back in 2007 as a place to reflect on life after our return from spending a year in Africa. It’s evolved over the years as my life has changed. I don’t claim to be a great writer but I enjoy it so if someone else wants to read it I’m happy to share my thoughts. There’s no central theme and nothing fancy, just my random thoughts on anything, including the kitchen sink (stay tuned for a deep post coming on that one ;). You’ll find recipes, things I’ve discovered, posts about my quest to live simply, faith, parenthood and whatever is on my mind. Read what interests you, skip what doesn’t. I’m hoping to post more often, even if it’s just a short, seemingly insignificant thought. If you’ve been with me for awhile, thanks for sticking around. If you’re new, welcome for the ride. As always I love to hear your thoughts and comments. Feel free to let me know if you’ve stopped by.

(Oh, and I know great blog posts are usually accompanied by great photos but I won’t have any new ones for awhile. Just what I have saved. My boys have broken my second camera in a few months and I’m trying to figure out if I can repair it or need to buy yet another. I know...I need a new spot to keep my camera!)


the smiths said...

I've been by. :)

Lisa said...

Hi Julianne,
Thanks for this post! I've just started following your blog and I could have written this myself - all things I'd like to work on too. May we both have lots of discipline this month. And having said that...I'm getting off the internet now ;-)
Lisa Pearce